Deadline for submission | Name of content of tender | Name of Tender Contracting Authority |
25.03.2025 10:00:00 | Zázemí pro fotbalový klub Přímětice - Znojmo, Přímětice | |
07.03.2025 10:00:00 | Dodávka syntetických nátěrových hmot a příslušenství | |
12.03.2025 12:00:00 | Servis a údržba pyrotechnického vybavenia | |
12.03.2025 00:00:00 | Robotický prihrňovač krmiva | |
21.03.2025 10:00:00 | Przebudowa drogi gminnej nr 380847W w miejscowości Seroki Wieś |
Deadline for submission | Name of content of tender | Name of Tender Contracting Authority |
31.03.2025 10:00:00 | Originálny spotrebný materiál pre tlačiace zariadenia DNS | |
24.03.2025 10:00:00 | Dynamický nákupní systém – Nákup výpočetní techniky, vč. příslušenství a spotřebního materiálu | |
28.03.2025 10:00:00 | Zdravotnícky spotrebný materiál - DNS | |
17.03.2025 13:00:00 | Nákup náhradných dielov NON-IT | |
24.03.2025 12:00:00 | Služby špeciálnych mechanizmov, nákladných vozidiel a pracovných strojov pre BVS, a.s. |
Deadline for submission | Name of content of tender | Name of Tender Contracting Authority |
27.03.2029 23:59:59 | Zabezpečenie zhodnotenia kalov z ČOV | |
14.03.2027 00:00:00 | Kvalifikačný systém: Poradenstvo a služby v oblasti inovácií | |
09.06.2027 00:00:00 | Kvalifikačný systém: Vypracovanie projektovej dokumentácie a inžinierska činnosť pre stavebnú časť energetických stavieb spoločnosti SPP | |
21.02.2027 12:00:00 | Dynamický nákupný systém: Realizácia stavebných prác pre potreby spoločnosti SPP. | |
12.02.2027 12:00:00 | Kvalifikačný systém: Vypracovanie projektovej dokumentácie a inžinierska činnosť pre potreby spoločnosti SPP. |
Try out the benefits of JOSEPHINE for two months for free. The trial is non-binding and includes all features and full user support.
The system is completely free of charge for all participants and bidders.
All software features for two months for free
Unlimited number and scale of tenders
Unlimited number of users
Full assistance from our user-support team
For more information, call +420 597 587 111 or fill in the contact form and we will contact you.
JOSEPHINE is a cutting-edge, modern, intuitive, and elegant tool for the electronification of public procurement with a few unique advantages. It is the only tool on the market that complies with the legislation of several EU countries, allowing you to easily communicate with suppliers from different countries. The user interface is built on smart templates making it easier to set up and manage the job.
JOSEPHINE software was created by experts with more than 20 years of experience working for the largest Central-European clients. Many years of multinational experience are applied in the assistance and user support of the tool known as HOUSTON PROEBIZ.
The control of the tool is built on intuitive and practical operation. All parts of the tool are arranged in logical sequential units and combine user-friendliness with functionality. Modern and attractive graphic design is of course part of the package.
The process of setting up, managing, and evaluating contracts is designed in accordance with both legislative and administrative conventions to make administration in the tool as simple as possible.
In addition to the basic functionalities and procedures, JOSEPHINE also has several extension options, both with process modules and with connections to other useful tools of the PROEBIZ platform.
A valued and highlighted part of JOSEPHINE is its simple and logical DNS, which speeds up the tender procedures, saving a significant amount of transaction time and simplifying the work.
The amendment to Section 19 of the ZZVZ on variable price in accordance with EU legislation has brought contracting authorities, especially hospitals, worry regarding the recording of estimated contract values. In response to this situation, the Flexible Tendering System (SFT) was created to address the issue.
The JOSEPHINE environment includes a practical qualification system for the award of sectoral public contracts under Sections 165 and 166 of the PPA, which is a qualification pre-stage of procurement procedures in which suppliers demonstrate compliance with the qualification and technical conditions for the specified categories.
Due to user-friendliness and quick orientation when working with the tool, it is also popular with contracting authorities for the computerisation of small-scale contracts. The advantage is the possibility to set up your own templates, prompts, and documents, which are then automatically filled in during the execution of the contract, or quick connectivity with websites and easy publication of contracts.
JOSEPHINE can be used for the electronic administration of PPP projects, which is the abbreviation for public-private partnership. Stability, clarity, and the guarantee of long-term functionality are important for this type of tool usage.
One of JOSEPHINE's modules, which, in accordance with the Public Procurement Act, simplifies the possibility of submitting a tender with a large number of items in one step for subsequent evaluation of the contract. The SPEED CATALOG according to §215 of the ZZVZ is not an excel or word table, but a very user-friendly dynamic tool, the structure of which is defined by the contracting authority according to current needs.
For cases when the contracting authority decides to objectify the quality and correctness of bids by evaluating them in the form of an eAuction, JOSEPHINE is equipped with integration to the auction TENDERBOX. It is one of the most widely used tools with a long history and a track record of several hundred thousand trouble-free auctions. It offers accurate, dynamic comparisons across different types of competitions.
In JOSEPHINE, the electronic negotiated procedure without publication with prequalification of the participants was named FLASHBON. It is a transparent and efficient solution for public procurement announced in crisis regimes, including emergency situations.
A special procedure for awarding a public contract in cases where the contracting authority needs to take advantage of the possibility of repeated tenders is the Framework Agreement. The principle of repeat offers is still the most common practice today. The contracting authority works with a fixed, or unchanging, range of suppliers for the entire duration of the framework agreement.
The JOSEPHINE support team provides strong technical support to contracting authorities and public procurement participants and knowledge support to administrators with an overlap into the procedural rules of public procurement. In the development, innovation and actual operation of JOSEPHINE, the team collaborates with specialists and experts in the field of public procurement within the individual countries of operation in the EU. Another source of know-how is other users of PROEBIZ tools. The knowledge acquired and shared covers all the usual user requirements. Other potential topics that go beyond the capabilities of knowledge resources are addressed by the provider through operational workshops, webinars, and video conferences.
Help me, HOUSTONThe PROEBIZ team's knowledge comes from its long-term focus on digitization of corporate procurement and public procurement, tenders, workflows, catalogues, eAuctions, etc. This knowledge is openly shared at professional conferences, workshops, social networks, streams, and courses. Today, the power of collective knowledge is condensed under the umbrella brand PROCUREMENT TV. The current calendar of educational events is on the company website. Using the attached QR code can make it more convenient.
Try two-month free version of BluePilot and see for yourself. Contact us for more information about the BluePilot program using the "Quick Contact" or call us on +420 597 587 100.