Status: Ongoing

Server time: 03.03.2025 10:38

DPS card #SVO-RVO3-2024/000612
IKT zariadenia DNS


ID of tender
Name of content of tender
IKT zariadenia DNS
Tender ref. no.
Public tender journal ref. no.
42967-MUT 210/2021 dňa 13.9.2021
EU journal ref. no.
2021/S 176-456563 10.9.2021
Type of tender
Type of public tender
Type of procurement
Goods, Services
Estimated value
46 746 150,00 EUR
Main CPV
30200000-1 - Computer equipment and supplies
Further CPV
30212000-8 - Minicomputer hardware
30212100-9 - Central processing units for minicomputers
30213000-5 - Personal computers
30213100-6 - Portable computers
30213200-7 - Tablet computer
30213300-8 - Desktop computer
30213400-9 - Central processing units for personal computers
30213500-0 - Pocket computers
30214000-2 - Workstations
30215000-9 - Microcomputer hardware
30215100-0 - Central processing units for microcomputers
30230000-0 - Computer-related equipment
30231000-7 - Computer screens and consoles
30231100-8 - Computer terminals
30231300-0 - Display screens
30231310-3 - Flat panel displays
30231320-6 - Touch screen monitors
30232000-4 - Peripheral equipment
30232100-5 - Printers and plotters
30232110-8 - Laser printers
30232120-1 - Dot-matrix printers
30232130-4 - Colour graphics printers
30232140-7 - Plotters
30232150-0 - Inkjet printers
30232600-0 - Encoders
30232700-1 - Central controlling unit
30233000-1 - Media storage and reader devices
30233100-2 - Computer storage units
30233153-8 - Compact disk (CD) and digital versatile disk (DVD) reader and/or burner
30233160-0 - Tape streamers
30233161-7 - Cassette-handling equipment
30233170-3 - Carousel units
30233180-6 - Flash memory storage devices
30233190-9 - Disk controller
30233300-4 - Smart card readers
30233310-7 - Fingerprint readers
30233320-0 - Combined smart card and fingerprint readers
30234000-8 - Storage media
30234100-9 - Magnetic disk
30234200-0 - Optical disks
30234300-1 - Compact disks (CDs)
30234400-2 - Digital versatile disks (DVDs)
30234500-3 - Memory storage media
30234600-4 - Flash memory
30234700-5 - Magnetic tapes
30236000-2 - Miscellaneous computer equipment
30236100-3 - Memory-expansion equipment
30236110-6 - Random access memory (RAM)
30236111-3 - Dynamic random access memory (DRAM)
30236200-4 - Data-processing equipment
30237000-9 - Parts, accessories and supplies for computers
30237100-0 - Parts of computers
30237130-9 - Computer cards
30237131-6 - Electronic cards
30237132-3 - Universal Serial Bus (USB) Interfaces
30237133-0 - Personal Computer Memory Card International Association (PCMCIA) adaptors and interfaces
30237134-7 - Graphic accelerator cards
30237135-4 - Network interfaces cards
30237136-1 - Audio cards
30237140-2 - Motherboards
30237200-1 - Computer accessories
30237210-4 - Anti-glare screens
30237220-7 - Mousepads
30237230-0 - Caches
30237240-3 - Web camera
30237253-7 - Dust covers for computer equipment
30237260-9 - Monitor wall mount arms
30237270-2 - Portable computer carrying cases
30237280-5 - Power supply accessories
30237290-8 - Keyboard wrist rests
30237295-3 - Keyguards
30237300-2 - Computer supplies
30237310-5 - Font cartridges for printers
30237350-7 - Data cartridges
30237360-0 - Linear Tape-Open (LTO) cartridges
30237370-3 - Recording cartridges
30237380-6 - CD-ROM
30237400-3 - Data entry accessories
30237410-6 - Computer mouse
30237420-9 - Joysticks
30237430-2 - Light pens
30237440-5 - Trackballs
30237450-8 - Graphics tablets
30237460-1 - Computer keyboards
30237461-8 - Programmable keyboards
32400000-7 - Networks
35125100-7 - Sensors
35125110-0 - Biometric sensors
48000000-8 - Software package and information systems
48200000-0 - Networking, Internet and intranet software package
48300000-1 - Document creation, drawing, imaging, scheduling and productivity software package
48500000-3 - Communication and multimedia software package
48600000-4 - Database and operating software package
48770000-6 - General, compression and print utility software package
48800000-6 - Information systems and servers
48820000-2 - Servers
48821000-9 - Network servers
48822000-6 - Computer servers
48823000-3 - File servers
48824000-0 - Printer servers
48825000-7 - Web servers
48900000-7 - Miscellaneous software package and computer systems
60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
72600000-6 - Computer support and consultancy services
72700000-7 - Computer network services
Centralised tender
SK - Slovenská republika
Brief description of tender or procurement

Predmetom zákaziek zadávaných v dynamickom nákupnom systéme (ďalej ako "DNS") je najmä dodávka vybraného sortimentu osobných počítačov, prenosných počítačov, serverov, sieťových prvkov, softvéru a podpory týchto produktov, snímačov, skenerov, tlačiarní, periférnych zariadení a príslušenstva, ktoré sú bežne dostupné na trhu a ktoré sú zaradené podľa spoločného slovníka obstarávania (ďalej ako "CPV") najmä v rozsahu skupiny 302, 324, 351, 480, 482, 483, 485, 487, 488, 489, 726, 727. Predmetom zákaziek môže byť aj poskytovanie súvisiacich služieb.

Environmental Tender



Presun dynamického nákupného systému
15.04.2022 23:59:00
Lehota na predkladanie žiadostí
25.10.2025 23:59:59

Public Promoter

Subject's name
Ministerstvo vnútra Slovenskej republiky
Pribinova 2
Bratislava - mestská časť Staré Mesto
81272, Slovak republic
Link to online profile of contracting authority

