Status: Ongoing

Server time: 11.03.2025 18:10

Tender card #KÚS-Spr 484/2021
Zabezpečenie servisnej podpory a rozvoj IS ÚS SR


ID of tender
Name of content of tender
Zabezpečenie servisnej podpory a rozvoj IS ÚS SR
Tender ref. no.
KÚS-Spr 484/2021
Public tender journal ref. no.
EU journal ref. no.
2022/S 114-321620
Type of tender
Nadlimitná zákazka
Type of public tender
Verejná súťaž podľa § 66 (7)
Type of procurement
Goods, Services
Estimated value
3 662 120,00 EUR
Main CPV
72000000-5 - IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
Further CPV
72212920-4 - Office automation software development services
72250000-2 - System and support services
72267000-4 - Software maintenance and repair services
72310000-1 - Data-processing services
72512000-7 - Document management services
Tender split into parts
Centralised tender
SK - Slovenská republika
Brief description of tender or procurement

Predmetom zákazky je poskytovanie bežnej prevádzkovej servisnej technickej podpory a rozvoj informačného systému verejného obstarávateľa. Zákazka je delená na 2 časti:
I. časť: Servis a rozvoj informačného systému,
II. časť: Certifikovaný registratúrny systém vrátane servisu.

For evaluation the price is determined

including VAT

Socially Responsible Tender



Lehota na predkladanie ponúk
28.07.2022 10:00:00 (Online access to bids)
Planned opening of bids
28.07.2022 11:00:00

Public Promoter

Subject's name
Kancelária Ústavného súdu Slovenskej republiky
Hlavná 110
Košice - mestská časť Staré Mesto
042 65, Slovak republic
Process supervisor
Ing. Adrián Kišidaj
+421 905882924


I. časť: Servis a rozvoj informačného systému

Predicted value not including VAT
3 411 636,67 EUR
Criterion for evaluation of bid
Best price-quality ratio
Electronic auction
Main CPV
72000000-5 - IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
Further CPV
72212920-4 - Office automation software development services
72250000-2 - System and support services
72267000-4 - Software maintenance and repair services
Outcome of tender
Framework Agreement

II. časť: Certifikovaný registratúrny systém vrátane servisu

Predicted value not including VAT
250 483,33 EUR
Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
Electronic auction
Main CPV
72000000-5 - IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
Further CPV
72212920-4 - Office automation software development services
72250000-2 - System and support services
72310000-1 - Data-processing services
72512000-7 - Document management services
Outcome of tender
Framework Agreement