Status: Ongoing

Server time: 05.02.2025 09:40

DPS card #SE-VO-2023/003393
Laboratórne príslušenstvo, technika a nábytok DNS


ID of tender
Name of content of tender
Laboratórne príslušenstvo, technika a nábytok DNS
Tender ref. no.
Public tender journal ref. no.
21/2023 zo dňa 30.01.2023 pod zn. 3486 MUT
EU journal ref. no.
2023/S 020-054066 zo dňa 27.01.2023
Type of tender
Type of public tender
Type of procurement
Estimated value
25 911 046,69 EUR
Main CPV
38000000-5 - Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses)
Further CPV
38653000-7 - Apparatus for photographic laboratories
39180000-7 - Laboratory furniture
38310000-1 - Precision balances
38510000-3 - Microscopes
38200000-7 - Geological and geophysical instruments
38580000-4 - Non-medical equipment based on the use of radiations
38636000-2 - Specialist optical instruments
38300000-8 - Measuring instruments
38410000-2 - Metering instruments
38500000-0 - Checking and testing apparatus
38430000-8 - Detection and analysis apparatus
38651600-9 - Digital cameras
38653000-7 - Apparatus for photographic laboratories
38650000-6 - Photographic equipment
24931000-9 - Photographic plates and films
38653100-8 - Flashlights
38651000-3 - Cameras
38651100-4 - Camera lenses
42991300-2 - Photocomposing system
32582000-6 - Data carriers
38652120-7 - Video projectors
31122000-7 - Generator units
33950000-4 - Clinical forensics equipment and supplies
39181000-4 - Laboratory benching
39180000-7 - Laboratory furniture
24300000-7 - Basic inorganic and organic chemicals
24950000-8 - Specialised chemical products
19520000-7 - Plastic products
33793000-5 - Laboratory glassware
24200000-6 - Dyes and pigments
18921000-1 - Suitcases
Centralised tender
SK - Slovenská republika
Brief description of tender or procurement

Predmetom zákaziek zadávaných v dynamickom nákupnom systéme (DNS) je dodávka predovšetkým laboratórneho príslušenstva laboratórnej techniky a laboratórneho nábytku, ktoré sú bežne dostupné na trhu a najmä v rozsahu skupín 189, 195, 242, 243, 249, 311, 325, 337, 339, 382, 383, 384, 385, 386, 391, 429. Verejný obstarávateľ podľa potreby použije aj iný konkrétny kód CPV z uvedených skupín alebo inej skupiny podľa CPV na zaradenie tovarov.


Lehota na predkladanie žiadostí
27.02.2023 10:00:00
Planned opening of requests
27.02.2023 10:00:00
Doba trvania DNS
15.05.2027 09:00:00

Public Promoter

Subject's name
Ministerstvo vnútra Slovenskej republiky
Pribinova 2
Bratislava - mestská časť Staré Mesto
81272, Slovak republic
Process supervisor
Mgr. Petronela Pitoňáková
+421 250944427

