Status: Ongoing

Server time: 03.03.2025 17:54

DPS card #MAGS OVO 52397/2024
Odevy, obuv a doplnky


ID of tender
Name of content of tender
Odevy, obuv a doplnky
Tender ref. no.
MAGS OVO 52397/2024
Public tender journal ref. no.
14687 - MUT
EU journal ref. no.
2024/S 113-347916
Type of tender
Type of public tender
Type of procurement
Estimated value
2 500 000,00 EUR
Main CPV
18000000-9 - Clothing, footwear, luggage articles and accessories
Further CPV
18100000-0 - Occupational clothing, special workwear and accessories
18130000-9 - Special workwear
18140000-2 - Workwear accessories
18141000-9 - Work gloves
18213000-5 - Wind jackets
18220000-7 - Weatherproof clothing
18221000-4 - Waterproof clothing
18221100-5 - Waterproof capes
18221200-6 - Anoraks
18222100-2 - Suits
18223000-8 - Jackets and blazers
18232000-4 - Skirts
18233000-1 - Shorts
18234000-8 - Trousers
18235000-5 - Pullovers, cardigans and similar articles
18235200-7 - Cardigans
18235300-8 - Sweatshirts
18300000-2 - Garments
18310000-5 - Underwear
18317000-4 - Socks
18318400-5 - Vests
18330000-1 - T-shirts and shirts
18331000-8 - T-shirts
18333000-2 - Polo shirts
18412000-0 - Sportswear
18412100-1 - Tracksuits
18412200-2 - Sports shirts
18420000-9 - Clothing accessories
18422000-3 - Scarves
18423000-0 - Ties
18424000-7 - Gloves
18424300-0 - Disposable gloves
18424500-2 - Gauntlets
18425000-4 - Belts
18443000-6 - Headgear and headgear accessories
18443310-2 - Berets
18443330-8 - Hoods
18443340-1 - Caps
18444112-1 - Bicycle helmets
18800000-7 - Footwear
18810000-0 - Footwear other than sports and protective footwear
18811000-7 - Waterproof footwear
18813000-1 - Footwear with uppers of leather
18820000-3 - Sports footwear
18830000-6 - Protective footwear
18831000-3 - Footwear incorporating a protective metal toecap
18832000-0 - Special footwear
35113400-3 - Protective and safety clothing
35113430-2 - Safety vests
35113440-5 - Reflective vests
35811200-4 - Police uniforms
35815000-0 - Garments for anti-ballistic protection
35815100-1 - Bullet-proof vests
35820000-8 - Support equipment
Centralised tender
SK - Slovenská republika
Brief description of tender or procurement

DNS bude slúžiť na zadávanie zákaziek, ktorých predmetom bude kúpa a dodanie bežne dostupných tovarov, ktorými sú najmä odevy (uniformy, obleky, polokošele, tričká a pod.), pracovná obuv a odevné doplnky pre potreby Mestskej polície hlavného mesta Slovenskej republiky Bratislavy, ale aj magistrátu hlavného mesta či ďalších subjektov uvedených v súťažných podkladoch.


Lehota na predkladanie žiadostí o účasť
12.07.2024 14:00:00
Lehota na predkladanie žiadostí
24.07.2028 23:59:59

Centralised procurement

Subject's name
Hlavné mesto Slovenskej republiky Bratislava
Primaciálne námestie 1
Bratislava - mestská časť Staré Mesto
81499, Slovak republic
Process supervisor
Mgr. Miroslava Hornáčková

