- ID of tender
- Name of content of tender
Lieky ATC skupiny J01-Antibiotiká na systémové použitie
- Tender ref. no.
- Public tender journal ref. no.
- EU journal ref. no.
- Type of tender
Nadlimitná zákazka
- Type of public tender
Verejná súťaž podľa § 66 (7)
- Type of procurement
- Estimated value
383 957,99 EUR
- Main CPV
33651100-9 - Antibacterials for systemic use
- Further CPV
60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Tender split into parts
- Yes
- Centralised tender
SK022 - Trenčiansky kraj
- Brief description of tender or procurement
Predmetom zákazky je pravidelná dodávka tovarov: Lieky ATC skupiny J01-Antibiotiká na systémové použitie , vrátane dopravy na miesto plnenia do nemocničnej lekárne verejného obstarávateľa v postavení kupujúceho na základe vystavených objednávok a za podmienok uvedených v rámcovej dohode počas jej trvania. Lieky, ktoré uchádzač uvedie vo svojej ponuke vo verejnej súťaži musia spĺňať požiadavky verejného obstarávateľa, spĺňať požadované kritéria podľa platnej legislatívy a podľa registračného rozhodnutia, byť dodávané v originálnom balení.
Opis predmetu zákazky je uvedený v Prílohe č. 1 súťažných podkladov - Opis a cena predmetu zákazky/zmluvy.
Predmet zákazky je rozdelený do 37 častí. Keďže sa bude vyhodnocovať predmet zákazky jednotlivo tzn. každá časť samostatne, uchádzačovi sa umožňuje predložiť ponuku na jednu časť predmetu zákazky, na viacero častí predmetu zákazky alebo na všetky časti predmetu zákazky V rámci jednej časti musí byť predložená ponuka na všetky prislúchajúce položky.
- For evaluation the price is determined
including VAT
Lehota na predkladanie ponúk
18.09.2024 09:00:00
Planned opening of bids
18.09.2024 09:30:00
Name of document
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07.02.2025 10:47:00
FNTN-2024-10-NZ-Antibiotika-SP-p1-Opis a Cena-upr2.xlsx
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11.09.2024 11:19:41
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11.09.2024 11:19:15
FNTN-2024-10-NZ-Antibiotika-SP-p1-Opis a Cena-upr1.xlsx
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21.08.2024 11:48:10
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21.08.2024 11:47:28
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20.08.2024 12:51:36
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15.08.2024 13:08:44
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15.08.2024 13:08:44
FNTN-2024-10-NZ-Antibiotika-SP-p6-Navrh na plnenie kriterii.docx
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15.08.2024 13:08:44
FNTN-2024-10-NZ-Antibiotika-SP-p5-Identifikacne udaje uchadzaca.docx
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15.08.2024 13:08:44
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15.08.2024 13:08:44
FNTN-2024-10-NZ-Antibiotika-SP-p1-Opis a Cena.xlsx
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15.08.2024 13:08:44
1. Tigecyklín na parenterálne použitie
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
7 526,75 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33651100-9 - Antibacterials for systemic use
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
2. Ampicilín na parenterálne použitie
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
781,80 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33651100-9 - Antibacterials for systemic use
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
3. Benzylpenicilín na parenterálne použitie
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
4 141,20 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33651100-9 - Antibacterials for systemic use
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
4. Amoxicilin a inhibítor betalaktamázy pre perorálne použitie
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
2 360,50 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33651100-9 - Antibacterials for systemic use
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
5. Amoxicilin a inhibítor betalaktamázy pre parenterálne použitie
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
52 263,00 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33651100-9 - Antibacterials for systemic use
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
6. Sultamicilín na parenterálne použitie
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
13 957,50 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33651100-9 - Antibacterials for systemic use
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
7. Sultamicilín na perorálne použitie
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
464,95 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33651100-9 - Antibacterials for systemic use
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
8. Piperacilín a inhibítor betalaktamázy na parenterálne použitie
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
12 900,00 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33651100-9 - Antibacterials for systemic use
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
9. Cefazolín na parenterálne použitie
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
11 700,00 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33651100-9 - Antibacterials for systemic use
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
10. Cefuroxím na perorálne použitie
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
840,40 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33651100-9 - Antibacterials for systemic use
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
11. Cefuroxím na parenterálne použitie
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
4 842,62 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33651100-9 - Antibacterials for systemic use
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
12. Cefotaxím na parenterálne použitie
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
39 573,50 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33651100-9 - Antibacterials for systemic use
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
13. Ceftazidím na parenterálne použitie
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
3 302,90 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33651100-9 - Antibacterials for systemic use
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
14. Ceftriaxon na parenterálne použitie
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
11 259,00 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33651100-9 - Antibacterials for systemic use
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
15. Cefixim na perorálne použitie
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
1 194,89 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33651100-9 - Antibacterials for systemic use
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
16. Cefoperazón a inhibítor betalaktamázy na parenterálne použitie
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
3 754,45 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33651100-9 - Antibacterials for systemic use
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
17. Meropeném na parenterálne použitie
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
34 772,59 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33651100-9 - Antibacterials for systemic use
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
18. Ertapeném na parenterálne použitie
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
37 591,40 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33651100-9 - Antibacterials for systemic use
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
19. Sulfametoxazol a trimetoprim na perorálne a parenterálne použitie
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
10 466,40 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33651100-9 - Antibacterials for systemic use
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
20. Klaritromycín na perorálne použitie
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
580,70 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33651100-9 - Antibacterials for systemic use
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
21. Klaritromycín na parenterálne použitie
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
3 583,80 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33651100-9 - Antibacterials for systemic use
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
22. Klindamycín na parenterálne použitie
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
10 251,74 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33651100-9 - Antibacterials for systemic use
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
23. Klindamycín na perorálne použitie
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
640,90 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33651100-9 - Antibacterials for systemic use
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
24. Gentamycín sterilizovaný implantát
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
5 748,80 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33651100-9 - Antibacterials for systemic use
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
25. Gentamycín na parenterálne použitie
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
2 717,00 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33651100-9 - Antibacterials for systemic use
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
26. Amikacín na parenterálne použitie 100 ml
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
1 100,00 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33600000-6 - Pharmaceutical products
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
27. Amikacín na parenterálne použitie 2 ml
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
2 657,90 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33651100-9 - Antibacterials for systemic use
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
28. Ciprofloxacín na parenterálne použitie
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
45 999,80 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33651100-9 - Antibacterials for systemic use
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
29. Ciprofloxacín na perorálne použitie
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
866,00 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33651100-9 - Antibacterials for systemic use
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
30. Moxifloxacín na parenterálne použitie
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
320,00 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33651100-9 - Antibacterials for systemic use
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
31. Vankomycín na parenterálne použitie
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
12 744,00 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33651100-9 - Antibacterials for systemic use
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
32. Kolistín pre parenterálne použitie
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
9 234,00 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33651100-9 - Antibacterials for systemic use
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
33. Metronidazol pre parenterálne použitie
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
18 734,52 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33651100-9 - Antibacterials for systemic use
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
34. Linezolid na parenterálne použitie
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
1 820,00 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33651100-9 - Antibacterials for systemic use
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
35. Linezolid na perorálne použitie
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
785,90 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33651100-9 - Antibacterials for systemic use
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
36. Flukloxacilín na parenterálne použitie
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
3 868,20 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33651100-9 - Antibacterials for systemic use
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
378. Ceftizoxím na parenterálne použitie
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
8 610,88 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33651100-9 - Antibacterials for systemic use
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement