Status: Ongoing

Server time: 03.03.2025 17:36

Tender card #VZ31/2024
VZ31/2024 - Úklidové služby v objektech ČRo


ID of tender
Name of content of tender
VZ31/2024 - Úklidové služby v objektech ČRo
Tender ref. no.
Public tender journal ref. no.
Type of tender
Nadlimitní režim
Type of public tender
Otevřené řízení
Type of procurement
Estimated value
52 800 000,00 Kč
Main CPV
90910000-9 - Cleaning services
Further CPV
90900000-6 - Cleaning and sanitation services
90919200-4 - Office cleaning services
90924000-0 - Fumigation services
90921000-9 - Disinfecting and exterminating services
90620000-9 - Snow-clearing services
98310000-9 - Washing and dry-cleaning services
Tender split into parts
Centralised tender
CZ010 - Hlavní město Praha
Content of tender

Předmětem veřejné zakázky je poskytování úklidových služeb, praní prádla, deratizace, dezinfekce, dezinsekce v objektech a v některých regionech i ve venkovních prostorech objektů Českého rozhlasu na základě uzavřené rámcové dohody mezi zadavatelem a jedním účastníkem pro danou část 1–7 veřejné zakázky.

Brief description of tender or procurement

Předmětem veřejné zakázky je poskytování úklidových služeb, praní prádla, deratizace, dezinfekce, dezinsekce v objektech a v některých regionech i ve venkovních prostorech objektů Českého rozhlasu na základě uzavřené rámcové dohody mezi zadavatelem a jedním účastníkem pro danou část 1–7 veřejné zakázky.

For evaluation the price is determined

not including VAT

Method of submitting bids
Online only
Socially Responsible Public Procurement (SRPP)



Lhůta pro podání nabídek
25.11.2024 10:00:00
Planned opening of bids
25.11.2024 10:05:00

Public Promoter

Subject's name
Český rozhlas
Vinohradská 12
Praha 2
120 99, Czech Republic
Process supervisor
Bc. Marcela Lázničková
+420 720833707


Complete public documentation for the tender can be found on the Profile of the contracting authority.

Část 1 VZ: Český rozhlas v Brně a ve Zlíně

Predicted value not including VAT
5 200 000,00 Kč
Criterion for evaluation of bid
Best price-quality ratio
Electronic auction
Main CPV
90910000-9 - Cleaning services
Further CPV
90900000-6 - Cleaning and sanitation services
90919200-4 - Office cleaning services
90924000-0 - Fumigation services
90921000-9 - Disinfecting and exterminating services
90620000-9 - Snow-clearing services
98310000-9 - Washing and dry-cleaning services
Outcome of tender
Framework Agreement

Část 2 VZ: Český rozhlas v Českých Budějovicích a v Jihlavě

Predicted value not including VAT
2 200 000,00 Kč
Criterion for evaluation of bid
Best price-quality ratio
Electronic auction
Main CPV
90910000-9 - Cleaning services
Further CPV
90900000-6 - Cleaning and sanitation services
90919200-4 - Office cleaning services
90924000-0 - Fumigation services
90921000-9 - Disinfecting and exterminating services
90620000-9 - Snow-clearing services
98310000-9 - Washing and dry-cleaning services
Outcome of tender
Framework Agreement

Část 3 VZ: Český rozhlas v Hradci Králové a v Pardubicích

Predicted value not including VAT
2 400 000,00 Kč
Criterion for evaluation of bid
Best price-quality ratio
Electronic auction
Main CPV
90910000-9 - Cleaning services
Further CPV
90900000-6 - Cleaning and sanitation services
90919200-4 - Office cleaning services
90924000-0 - Fumigation services
90921000-9 - Disinfecting and exterminating services
90620000-9 - Snow-clearing services
98310000-9 - Washing and dry-cleaning services
Outcome of tender
One-off Contract

Část 4 VZ: Český rozhlas v Ostravě a v Olomouci

Predicted value not including VAT
6 400 000,00 Kč
Criterion for evaluation of bid
Best price-quality ratio
Electronic auction
Main CPV
90910000-9 - Cleaning services
Further CPV
90900000-6 - Cleaning and sanitation services
90919200-4 - Office cleaning services
90924000-0 - Fumigation services
90921000-9 - Disinfecting and exterminating services
90620000-9 - Snow-clearing services
98310000-9 - Washing and dry-cleaning services
Outcome of tender
One-off Contract

Část 5 VZ: Český rozhlas v Plzni a v Karlových Varech

Predicted value not including VAT
5 700 000,00 Kč
Criterion for evaluation of bid
Best price-quality ratio
Electronic auction
Main CPV
90910000-9 - Cleaning services
Further CPV
90900000-6 - Cleaning and sanitation services
90919200-4 - Office cleaning services
90924000-0 - Fumigation services
90921000-9 - Disinfecting and exterminating services
90620000-9 - Snow-clearing services
98310000-9 - Washing and dry-cleaning services
Outcome of tender
Framework Agreement

Část 6 VZ: Český rozhlas v Praze 2 – Vinohrady a v Praze 8 - Karlín

Predicted value not including VAT
28 500 000,00 Kč
Criterion for evaluation of bid
Best price-quality ratio
Electronic auction
Main CPV
90910000-9 - Cleaning services
Further CPV
90900000-6 - Cleaning and sanitation services
90919200-4 - Office cleaning services
90924000-0 - Fumigation services
90921000-9 - Disinfecting and exterminating services
90620000-9 - Snow-clearing services
98310000-9 - Washing and dry-cleaning services
Outcome of tender
Framework Agreement

Část 7 VZ: Český rozhlas v Ústí nad Labem a v Liberci

Predicted value not including VAT
2 400 000,00 Kč
Criterion for evaluation of bid
Best price-quality ratio
Electronic auction
Main CPV
90910000-9 - Cleaning services
Further CPV
90900000-6 - Cleaning and sanitation services
90919200-4 - Office cleaning services
90924000-0 - Fumigation services
90921000-9 - Disinfecting and exterminating services
90620000-9 - Snow-clearing services
98310000-9 - Washing and dry-cleaning services
Outcome of tender
One-off Contract