Status: Ongoing

Server time: 01.03.2025 16:27

DPS card #DNS001/2025
Nákup náhradných dielov NON-IT


ID of tender
Name of content of tender
Nákup náhradných dielov NON-IT
Tender ref. no.
Type of tender
Type of public tender
Type of procurement
Estimated value
400 000,00 EUR
Main CPV
31680000-6 - Electrical supplies and accessories
Further CPV
42123000-7 - Compressors
31214510-7 - Distribution switchboards
42510000-4 - Heat-exchange units, air-conditioning and refrigerating equipment, and filtering machinery
35125100-7 - Sensors
42131140-9 - Pressure-reducing, control, check or safety valves
42531000-7 - Parts of refrigerating equipment
42132100-4 - Valve actuators
31210000-1 - Electrical apparatus for switching or protecting electrical circuits
42512500-3 - Parts of air-conditioning machines
31230000-7 - Parts of electricity distribution or control apparatus
42514310-8 - Air filters
42530000-0 - Parts of refrigerating and freezing equipment and heat pumps
09211200-3 - Compressor lube oils
24111700-2 - Nitrogen
38420000-5 - Instruments for measuring flow, level and pressure of liquids and gases
31214100-0 - Switches
31224100-3 - Plugs and sockets
31532900-3 - Fluorescent lights
31211310-4 - Cut-outs
31211300-1 - Fuses
31220000-4 - Electrical circuit components
31212000-5 - Circuit breakers
31221000-1 - Electrical relays
31215000-6 - Voltage limiters
31216100-4 - Lightning-protection equipment
31156000-4 - Interruptible power supplies
42961000-0 - Command and control system
31711150-9 - Electrical capacitors
31524120-2 - Ceiling lights
34928470-3 - Signage
32540000-0 - Switchboards
31214500-4 - Electric switchboards
31711100-4 - Electronic components
30237280-5 - Power supply accessories
30231310-3 - Flat panel displays
31670000-3 - Electrical parts of machinery or apparatus
31157000-1 - Inductors
39714100-1 - Ventilators
31440000-2 - Batteries
31162000-9 - Parts of transformers, inductors and static converters
30237131-6 - Electronic cards
42120000-6 - Pumps and compressors
44440000-6 - Bearings
42913500-4 - Air-intake filters
31214200-1 - Switch disconnector
31720000-9 - Electromechanical equipment
34312000-7 - Engine parts
34312700-4 - Rubber transmission belts
34320000-6 - Mechanical spare parts except engines and engine parts
34325000-1 - Silencers and exhaust pipes
31158100-9 - Battery chargers
31158300-1 - Turbocharger
42122000-0 - Pumps
34990000-3 - Control, safety, signalling and light equipment
42130000-9 - Taps, cocks, valves and similar appliances
30237475-9 - Electric sensors
38425300-3 - Depth indicators
31211110-2 - Control panels
44482000-2 - Fire-protection devices
44480000-8 - Miscellaneous fire-protection equipment
39516120-9 - Pillows
44141000-0 - Conduit
35125300-2 - Security cameras
31682200-2 - Instrument panels
31625100-4 - Fire-detection systems
31731100-0 - Modules
32442200-5 - Terminal boxes
30216100-7 - Optical readers
31625000-3 - Burglar and fire alarms
31625200-5 - Fire-alarm systems
31518200-2 - Emergency lighting equipment
30233300-4 - Smart card readers
44167300-1 - Bends, tees and pipe fittings
39525200-0 - Filter elements of cloth
42955000-5 - Parts of filtering machinery
42131120-3 - Sluice valves
38570000-1 - Regulating and controlling instruments and apparatus
44174000-0 - Foil
31642000-8 - Electronic detection apparatus
30237461-8 - Programmable keyboards
31625300-6 - Burglar-alarm systems
44521110-2 - Door locks
44523000-2 - Hinges, mountings and fittings
44320000-9 - Cable and related products
30232700-1 - Central controlling unit
35121000-8 - Security equipment
44165100-5 - Hoses
34928310-4 - Safety fencing
34928220-6 - Fencing components
44400000-4 - Miscellaneous fabricated products and related items
44334000-0 - Profiles
34913800-8 - Anchors
31214130-9 - Safety switches
44423400-5 - Signs and related items
Centralised tender
SK - Slovenská republika
Brief description of tender or procurement

Predmetom zákaziek zadávaných v DNS bude dodávka rôzneho, najmä však elektronického zariadenia a náhradných dielov, pre zariadenia typu UPS, klimatizácia, motor generátor a podporný elektrotechnický materiál súvisiaci s prevádzkou dátového centra a administratívnej budovy. Viac informácií je uvedených v súťažných podkladoch.


Lehota na predkladanie žiadostí
17.03.2025 13:00:00
Planned opening of requests
17.03.2025 13:10:00

Public Promoter

Subject's name
Cintorínska 2301/5
81108, Slovak republic
