Status: Ongoing

Server time: 03.03.2025 17:43

DPS card #FN/EN/2023/276
DNS - Potraviny pre Fakultnú nemocnicu Trenčín


ID of tender
Name of content of tender
DNS - Potraviny pre Fakultnú nemocnicu Trenčín
Tender ref. no.
Public tender journal ref. no.
EU journal ref. no.
Type of tender
Type of public tender
Type of procurement
Goods, Services
Estimated value
3 844 677,41 EUR
Main CPV
15000000-8 - Food, beverages, tobacco and related products
Further CPV
15313000-5 - Processed potatoes
15300000-1 - Fruit, vegetables and related products
03142500-3 - Eggs
15810000-9 - Bread products, fresh pastry goods and cakes
15811100-7 - Bread
15880000-0 - Special nutritional products
15100000-9 - Animal products, meat and meat products
15860000-4 - Coffee, tea and related products
15896000-5 - Deep-frozen products
15851210-3 - Prepared pasta
15331170-9 - Frozen vegetables
15321000-4 - Fruit juices
15831500-7 - Sugar syrups
15980000-1 - Non-alcoholic beverages
15981000-8 - Mineral water
15820000-2 - Rusks and biscuits; preserved pastry goods and cakes
15850000-1 - Pasta products
15891500-5 - Broths
15830000-5 - Sugar and related products
15831600-8 - Honey
03211300-6 - Rice
15411100-3 - Vegetable oils
15870000-7 - Condiments and seasonings
15871250-1 - Mustard
15331150-3 - Processed pulses
15871110-8 - Vinegar or equivalent
15872400-5 - Salt
15332200-6 - Jams and marmalades; fruit jellies; fruit or nut purée and pastes
15800000-6 - Miscellaneous food products
60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
15110000-2 - Meat
15111100-0 - Beef
15113000-3 - Pork
15131130-5 - Sausages
15131210-0 - Gammon
15131410-2 - Ham
15211000-0 - Fish fillets
15112000-6 - Poultry
15112130-6 - Chickens
15863000-5 - Tea
15510000-6 - Milk and cream
15540000-5 - Cheese products
15550000-8 - Assorted dairy products
15840000-8 - Cocoa; chocolate and sugar confectionery
15330000-0 - Processed fruit and vegetables
15119300-8 - Game
15220000-6 - Frozen fish, fish fillets and other fish meat
15332270-7 - Fruit purées
15930000-6 - Wines
15961000-2 - Beer
Centralised tender
SK022 - Trenčiansky kraj
Brief description of tender or procurement

Predmetom zákazky je zriadenie dynamického nákupného systému, v rámci ktorého sa budú vyhlasovať jednotlivé výzvy na predkladanie ponúk na obstaranie potravín všetkého druhu podľa aktuálnych potrieb verejného obstarávateľa.

Podrobná špecifikácia predmetu zákazky, jeho presný rozsah ako aj ostatné doplňujúce informácie budú uvedené v jednotlivých výzvach v rámci zriadeného DNS, ktoré budú zaslané všetkým kvalifikovaným záujemcom prostredníctvom systému JOSEPHINE.


Lehota na predkladanie žiadostí
19.01.2024 09:00:00
Planned opening of requests
19.01.2024 09:30:00
Lehota na predkladanie žiadostí - po zriadení DNS
26.01.2028 09:00:00

Public Promoter

Subject's name
Fakultná nemocnica Trenčín
Legionárska 28
91171, Slovak republic
Process supervisor
JUDr. Ľubica Fodorová
+421 0326566186
