72000000-5 - IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
Further CPV
72212422-3 - Software development services suites
72240000-9 - Systems analysis and programming services
72265000-0 - Software configuration services
72268000-1 - Software supply services
72250000-2 - System and support services
72267000-4 - Software maintenance and repair services
72267100-0 - Maintenance of information technology software
79421000-1 - Project-management services other than for construction work
72200000-7 - Software programming and consultancy services
48000000-8 - Software package and information systems
32500000-8 - Telecommunications equipment and supplies
32522000-8 - Telecommunications equipment
32523000-5 - Telecommunications facilities
38112100-4 - Global navigation and positioning systems (GPS or equivalent)
48813200-2 - Real-time passenger information system
48813000-0 - Passenger information system
Tender split into parts
Electronic auction
Centralised tender
SK - Slovenská republika
Brief description of tender or procurement
Predmetom zákazky je dodanie softvérového diela Národný integrovaný cestný lístok (NICL) a vybraných harvérových komponentov a následné poskytovanie podpory a prevádzky vrátane poskytovania služieb rozvoja systému NICL po dobu 5 rokov.